2019 World Beer Awards "World's Best Stout & Porter"
If you’re thinking dry and bitter, like that famous Irish stout - forget it! Pouring an intense black hue beneath a deep, tan coloured head, the aroma is appetisingly rich, with a sweetish, mocha-like combination of chocolate and coffee notes dominating. Creamy and smooth, with just an edge of sweetness, the combines milk chocolate, caramel and soft fruity esters and leads into a cleansing finish with an ashy, charred malt note and suggestion of tart hops. Deceptively suppable, this rare example of an old English style is wonderfully flexible when it comes to food. Try it with barbecued ribs, nutty or buttery cheeses, fruit-topped cheesecake, or a slice of rich fruit cake. Geoff Griggs – October 2011